"In the 22nd century, the Daleks have occupied planet Earth. By the 43rd century, only a handful of humans survive. Still further into the distant future, a Thal scientist must choose whether to betray his heritage, or see the universe destroyed."
This fifth Doctor episode featured the Daleks... In Kansas! The Wizard of Oz would have been much better of the wicked witch of the west was being egged on by Daleks.
We started off with a robo-fied Sheriff. I love it when the Doctor goes to America, because he's so incredibly British, for obvious reasons. Any Doctor Who episode set in America is worth a listen!
I really liked it how Nyssa commented on the wasps, when we saw the battle damaged Dalek, then it turned out that this one Dalek resulted in causing a mutation for the whole race. This is why Daleks have casing! I wouldn't have thought the Daleks had developed many antibodies, either. So I suppose one could inject a Dalek with the flu, and just watch it suffer, if one was that way inclined. I also liked the way that the Doctor had to go back in time with an anecdote, so he could prevent a paradox.
If the Doctor had killed a Dalek who killed a man, then that man would still be alive, and if he did something to change history, then it could upset the natural order of time... It's strange how I've been a dedicated Whovian for so long, that I understand all that wibbely wobbly, timey wimey... Stuff.
It's taken a while, but I think that I've slightly warmed up to Nyssa. I really liked her in this. But to be fair, I kind of drifted off during her scenes. I'm not a huge fan, which I think is a shame. I'd love to like her!
The fifth Doctor seems different in the closing scene. His speech sounds very "fourth doctor-ish", when he comments on how the problems in this story were solved by "It's a paradox... It's not meant to make sense."
So, for a fifth Doctor and Nyssa story, this was pretty good. I'd go so far to say that it's fantastic.
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